nero giardini



Deep Red. Its title should have been The saber-toothed tiger. We don’t know if Dario Argento changed his mind in the last second or if he declared a false title to divert the expectations of press and audience. Regardless, it came out with the title Deep Red. It was march 7th 1975. So, the most successful movie by Dario Argento is 40 years old but it looks more recent. The director used advanced shooting techniques, from the Snorkel microcamera to the Dolly Champman camera for tracking shots. Obviously, it has nothing to do with the modern special effects. But the great thing about Deep red is that, although it was shot with means now obsolete, it is frightful just like the actual The Ring saga. The final flashback, that reveals that the murderer’s identity was right before our eyes since the first murder (matter of seconds, but we can see the criminal’s face), and the soundtrack by the Goblins are a milestone of the italian filmmaking. Above, Dario Argento with David Hemmings, the protagonist of Deep Red. 



Far and wide. Giorgio Armani, 1982. Ph. Aldo Fallai for L’uomo Vogue. Look at the baggy shapes you see today in the shops’ windows: lots of them show suits, raincoats, coats, shirts, sweaters and trousers that remind the lines of this Armani collection, that dates back to 33 years ago. No, I don’t want to write the nth tribute to Giorgio Armani, but it’s instinctive to say: “Everything started from there and there we come back!”. An ultimate back to the roots? No. In two seasons this trend will be replaced by others. But let’s stick to the present; today we’ve recovered the pleasure of wearing large clothes, that are more comfortable and elegant than the too fitted menswear that has been in fashion for years. But pay attention to baggy trousers; when you sit down your ankles show up looking like breadsticks, and give a disproportionate appearance: the risk is to give this impression also when we stand up; so avoid loafers and pointed shoes and prefer monkstraps or brogues with wide and round shape.



William Faulkner, scrittore, poeta, drammaturgo e sceneggiatore statunitense (1897-1962), premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1949, considerato il rivale di Hemingway. Uno scatto intimista, rubato in un momento di relax,in un posto che potrebbe essere dovunque, lo ritrae in atteggiamento pensoso: l’autore della foto è sconosciuto. Sembra che stia fissando qualcosa o qualcuno di molto lontano, il contegno è misurato ed elegante; una dignità che appartiene decisamente solo ad uomini vissuti in un tempo remoto: è un ritratto che mi ha colpito. Quell’apparente distacco emotivo che non tradisce i sentimenti e uno stile nel sensopiù largo del termine che riguardano al passato, oggi solo accidentalmente trovano un riscontro reale; mi vengono in mente di nuovo uomini di una volta, come Visconti e Pasolini. L’unico italiano contemporaneo cui penso d’istinto, che rappresenta nei modi e nell’attitudine un tratto così nobile, è il giovane e bravo giornalista Angelo Flaccavento. Il contesto si è fatto serio e nostalgico, mi pare riduttivo scrivere frasi del genere “ecco i vestiti più consoni per unire la classe alla disinvoltura”. Tanto più che, la classe, non si apprende.


His physical attributes remind us of Marc Porel and Mark Frechette, the main carachter in “Zabriskie Point” : I am talking about Marco Bocci, better known as police commissioner Scialoja (from the tv serie Romanzo Criminale) or deputy police superintendent Calcaterra ( from Squadra Antimafia). He’s from Umbria like Filippo Timi, good looking like Alain Delon and versatile like Giancarlo Giannini. He’s also very polite, empathetic and professional on photographic sets. He’s not very tall and that makes it easier for us to “dress him up” in the biggest brands as they never make samples for the lanky ones. He’s gifted with natural charm. He has that look, long hair and a little bit of beard, which remind us of a 70s aesthetic that is coming back into fashion, more for the look itself than for the clothing. He looks very good in jacket and tie but he does prefere a more casual outfit in everyday life, choosing easy and wearable clothing in order not to draw much attention to his figure. Although, he does, have a nice figure.